Our kids love living in Compton. They note the ways God is working in our city, take pride in the changes that are happening here, and defend Compton if their schoolmates put it down. While they sometimes note the lack of resources readily available in our community (i.e. not having bookstores and movie theaters down the street), Compton is familiar to them – it’s home. We consider their attitudes a direct answer to prayer, since from the beginning of my first pregnancy, I have prayed that my children would consider it a blessing to live here rather than a burden.
With the exception of a shooting on our street one year ago Christmas, their comfort here has never really been tested. We live in a quiet neighborhood with mostly quiet neighbors and homes that are well-cared for. Most everyone on our immediate street have lived here for many years, and we look out for each other. In many ways, it’s absurdly normal.
In this past month, though, there has been a shift. Three gangs within the city have started a turf war, and our little neighborhood is caught smack in the middle. Recently the shooting started escalating to the point where there has been at least one shooting daily. While we have personally witnessed none of them, there have been 4 shootings within 2 blocks of us just this week.. People who have lived here for 20 years say they’ve never experienced anything like it.
I can tell you honestly that Mike and I have no fear. While we want to be prayerful and wise , we have a deep sense of peace around us. God has been moving a lot lately in the areas where this gang activity has increased, and we know the enemy is angry that his territory is threatened. He’s retaliating, but he is not going to win. We know that evil does not give up ground easily.
At the same time, we are careful to watch our children to see how they are feeling. We want them to know that fear is normal and something to process, not something to deny or hide. We have been checking in with them a lot and trying to give them opportunities to express whatever thoughts and emotions they might have, and then working to walk them through it.
Monday evening of the week prior to Easter was particularly chaotic. Mike had just received a call about an incident in the park where our soccer teams practice. The park had been threatened so practice had ended abruptly, with coaches and parents concerned. At the same time Mike was on the phone, sirens were going off all around the community continually and the helicopters were constantly overhead. It felt a bit like being in a bad movie!
Zach had expressed some fear and anger at the enemy’s work, and had been reading Psalm 91. I was cooking dinner when he came in to talk. “Mom,” he exclaimed, “the devil would be STUPID to shoot at our house again, cause he knows we are not leaving no matter WHAT!” I have to admit, I was somewhat surprised by his resolve!
A little while later he came and asked, “Hey Mom – what does my promise book say about protection?” (He was referring to a book I had given the kids recently with God’s promises in different categories.)
“Get it,” I said, “and let’s have a look”. And so we proceeded to climb into my bed, cuddle up, and read through all the scriptures on God’s protection. As we read and discussed each one, I prayed that God would give me wisdom to reflect a balance of comforting him without leading him to think Christians have a free pass on suffering. 2 Timothy 1:12 (one of my favorites) gave me the perfect opportunity…
As we looked over the entire chapter, we talked about how Paul was suffering in prison, yet wrote “with a clear conscience”, even encouraging other believers, because he knew he could trust in the unchanging character of God. He also knew that everything is not made right here on this earth, but that a day is coming when Jesus will return and all things will be made new!
As we continued reading and finished the last scripture talking about God being our shelter, Zach began to hum the course of a favorite song from church. Prompted by him, I pulled out my laptop, curled around him tightly, and played that song, and sang together…
“I will bless the Lord forever…I will trust Him at all times…He has delivered me from all fears…He has set my feet upon a rock. I will not be moved – and I’ll say of the Lord – You are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer – my shelter, strong tower, my very present help in times of need…”
It was a precious time, and throughout all of it I was fully aware that -- though evil had brought us to this point -- such a special teachable moment was being created that I would never forget. I tried to savor every second and imprint it deep upon my soul. The next day our pastor called to check in on us. He knew that we had endured a crazy night. As I shared with him my special experience with Zach, he made this comment. “This is the gift of where we live. The realities here drive us to the scriptures, and that’s a gift.”
I agree, and praise God for that special discipleship opportunity with my son. While I realize it flies in the face of many of the things we believe as Americans, placing comfort and protection at the top of our necessities, I recognize that in the upside down Kingdom of God, it is a gift. I cling to Psalm 91 because I have to. I stand on 2 Tim. because it is God’s word for me. We don’t want people shooting up our neighborhood – but when it is happening, we will stand on God’s word and expect Him to bring glory to Himself. And we will praise Him when He does.
Please continue pray for us – we covet all of your prayers and don’t take them for granted. We have no doubt prayers of the saints surround us at all times and keep us safe. Please pray… for the protection of our entire neighborhood…for safe places for our soccer teams to practice, as for now we are keeping them out of the parks…for God’s Kingdom to come here – that repentance would become a way of life and peace would start to reign… that we will use even this gun violence as an opportunity to minister to our neighbors…that we will remember that nothing is impossible with God.
We wait eagerly to see how He is working and to join Him in those places!
Please continue pray for us – we covet all of your prayers and don’t take them for granted. We have no doubt prayers of the saints surround us at all times and keep us safe. Please pray… for the protection of our entire neighborhood…for safe places for our soccer teams to practice, as for now we are keeping them out of the parks…for God’s Kingdom to come here – that repentance would become a way of life and peace would start to reign… that we will use even this gun violence as an opportunity to minister to our neighbors…that we will remember that nothing is impossible with God.
We wait eagerly to see how He is working and to join Him in those places!