Join the Compton Initiative
Get your (Compton) church involved in cleaning up and restoring the immediate neighbor right around your church, say a two or three block radius.You can find some more information on that in the Resources section of this site.
Get your (outside of Compton) church involved in coming in and participating in the Compton Initiative Clean-Up Days! We can help you pair up with a local church to come alongside them in meeting the physical andspiritual needs of their immediate community. This will be an incredible, life-changing ministry for both the neighborhood, but also your church!!!
If your a business you can also get your company involved in the Compton Iniatitive Clean-Up Days, or help be some of the financial backing for these type of endeavors.
If your a business you can also get your company involved in the Compton Iniatitive Clean-Up Days, or help be some of the financial backing for these type of endeavors.
Volunteer at a Compton Unified school's reading program like the one at Dickinson Elementary School, it's only 2 hours a week/month!
Seek God's Heart for the Poor
Issues of the poor is the most discussed topic in the Bible, next to stewardship, God says many things about our attitude and behavior towards the "least of these".
Seek God's Heart for the Poor
Issues of the poor is the most discussed topic in the Bible, next to stewardship, God says many things about our attitude and behavior towards the "least of these".
Please join with us on this journey of seeking His heart on what our part is.
Here's Life Inner City has put out a great resourse to use for this study. Check out Compassion by Command.
We also recommend any book by Ray Bakke, Dr. John Perkins and the content on the Christian Community Development Association website,
Volunteer with Compton United
Be a sponsor, mentor, team manager or even a coach with the Compton United Soccer Club.
As an inner-city youth sports program our costs are much more than what are participants are able to afford.
We always need mentors for our teams and players, and you don't have to know a whole lot about soccer either! We are also very selective with who coached for us.One needs not only care about the kids and the community, you also need a US Soccer certification.Could that be you?
See the Compton United Website for more information.
Financially Support this Ministry
We depend upon the consistent financial support of concerned individuals to carry on our ministry. Contributions from individuals are the only source of income to support us.
Your gift is an investment in reaching the Compton and the world with the message of God's love and forgiveness.
All contributions are income tax deductible.
Would you prayerfully consider investing in this work?
See the Compton United Website for more information.
Financially Support this Ministry
We depend upon the consistent financial support of concerned individuals to carry on our ministry. Contributions from individuals are the only source of income to support us.
Your gift is an investment in reaching the Compton and the world with the message of God's love and forgiveness.
All contributions are income tax deductible.
Would you prayerfully consider investing in this work?