Saturday, November 22, 2003

Boxes of Love

Currently, we have about 400 volunteers in our warehouse (yes, I snuck out for a second!) for the afternoon shift of the 16th annual Boxes of Love Packing party. We will have seen almost 700 volunteers help us pack almost 8000 boxes that will be distributed by 60 inner city churches/ministries! It has been a great day (except for the forklift that dies, an additional rental soon followed!) for all of us.

If your in LA watch ABC channel 7 for their coverage of the of the event today. Nancy and I had a great time with their photographer Russell, who showed a lot of interest in the event. He shot a lot of additional tape so it may be used again through Thanksgiving.

Please pray with us now as these 60 churches attempt to share the love of Christ with their neighbors through the delivery of the boxes. Pray specifically for; people to come to Christ, people to come to church and churches reenergized in evangelism.

Also, please pray for us and come join us for the Christmas Boxes of Love packing party on December 20th. I will send out more info on that shortly. Also, keep checking for updates.

Thank you all for your prayers and support of what God is doing through Boxes of Love.

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