Thursday, January 08, 2004

Pastor's Prayer Time on "Prayer Mountain"

Today was our 'trial' run for a pastor's prayer time at Kenneth Hahn State Receration Area in Inglewood, a two-hour prayer time to literally 'pray over LA'. This will officially begin on Jan. 29th and happen the last Thursday of each month at 9 am.

Pastor Rooselvelt Marks and I have been discussing this since our Box of Love packing party over Thanksgiving. Today was beautiful. Crisp and pretty clear. We had seven people there, three (including me) from our team.

We are praying for a real movement of the Lord to unite pastor's hearts together. I believe this can be a real powerful time for pastors to come together to pray and establish good relationships to begin partnering together in ministry focused directives. Come and join us if you're from LA!

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