Monday, November 13, 2006

Mini-Church Tonight

Led our mini church-- small group tonight. It's an awesome group of former gang members, criminals, chikdren from tough -- some very tough backgrounds and we're all striving to love and follow Jesus together.

We talked about how we often view our own relationship with God as the primary aspect of our walk; our prayer closet, quiet times, personal retreats, "being alone w/ Him", etc. But that was never the intent of the biblical writers. The intent was scripture to always be interpreted in community -- the letters to the churches of the New Testament, the Gospel accounts for all to read and be aware, even Old Testament accounts to be accounts to pass on for the generations after. The writers never dreamed of the modern day miracles of the printing press, where everyone could have their own copy of the Holy Book, much less several copies around the house, on their palm pilot, on the web and in every hotel!

We talk alot about 'doing life together', taking each others kids to school when needed, helping one another move, hospital visits, financially when possible, etc. But we also need each other, in community to help make the word real, understandable, relavant and more accurate than I could all by myself. My perspective is narrow. I need John who has spend years in prison to help me understand grace and mercy better. I need Joey who is a recovering white supremest to help me understand forgiveness, etc., etc.

My culture teaches me to focus on independence and individualism but I'm trying to break out of that and learn more about community and how much I need the people that I live with.

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