Thursday, June 04, 2009


June 4, 2009

Victories & Praises
  • Jose that you have heard us talking about for years is graduation from high school next week. He is planning to got to Long Beach City College and to play soccer.
  • Stefan, another of our long-term SAY Yes! kids graduated from community college this Wednesday! He is now going to attend Humbolt State University in Northern Cal & play football.
  • God brought us a great, Godly female soccer coach to help us start our first girls teams.

Prayer Requests
  • One of our long term SAY Yes! girls, “Angela” got caught up with crystal meth and developed a serious habit. She then got caught up in some very bad relationships and now finds herself in jail for smuggling drugs. She could be facing a very long prison term. Please pray that she will reopen her heart to Jesus and that some major healing can be done, whether He wants her to stay in prison or not.
  • For Jose C. to be able to get into college at a local school. He is trapped between needing to work to help his family and the desire to go to college and play soccer.
  • For a volunteer accountant to work with our soccer club, Compton United.
  • For our cars & the need to get to Colorado this summer for Campus Crusade Bi-annual Staff Training. Neither one of our vehicles would make it. We need direction & resources.

Financial Needs
  • Need $2500 in one time gifts to get to Colorado this summer for Campus Crusade Bi-annual Staff Training.
  • We need to raise an additional $1500 per month and are finding it very difficult to leave all our responsibilities for a period of time to do that.

Family news
  • Syd & Zach are finishing up this year very strongly at school. It has been a good school year. They are looking forward to summer (but Zach more than Syd!). Syd will be going into 5th grade and Zach 3rd. We once again received a renewal for our inter-district transfer that allows them to attend a neighboring school district that has a much better GATE program.
  • Please pray for us for wisdom & discernment in our everyday life as parents, spouses and ministers. We seek to grow closer with God than ever before.

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