Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Dream to Live Upon, by Sydney Herman

We're so proud of our daughter.  When you do work like we do, you always wonder how it will effect your children.  We never thought you kids would grow up hating what their parents do, but you can never know... you just pray a lot!

Sydney has recently written this narrarive for her 6th grade Humanities class.  This illustrated to us her passion for justice that she has developed living here in Compton.  We thank God for the wonderful, passionate leader God has given to us as a daughter.  

And we couldn't be more proud.


Sydney Herman
2nd draft 5th period English

A Dream to Live Upon

As I unlocked my office door, I heard voices. I turned and saw a young Mexican girl. She was cradling a baby in a bloody blanket. Again she spoke.

“You work with immigrants?”

“Yes” I said “Do your parents need me?” as soon as she started crying I know I’ve hit a tender area. I hold the baby as she sinks to the ground. I hold the baby wondering if this young girl is a mom, or a sister. I sit down next to her. Soon she’s calm.

“My parents are dead, now it’s just me and my sister alone.” She hesitates, not sure how to ask what she wants. “I was wondering if you could help me.”

“Let’s go to my office, and talk.” I hand the baby back and stand up. When we are in my office I give her food. Then she tells me her story.

“My name is Julieta. I’m 12 and orphaned.” She pauses “When I was 10 my family found out that my papa had cancer. My mama decided to move to the U.S. The January after my eleventh birthday we started the journey. We crossed the hot, humid, dessert first. Our transportation? A mule. Soon my mama got pregnant, week later my papa died. 6 months later, we’re in the U.S. A month after my birthday, my sister Maria was born.” She looked down at her sister. “Soon after my mama died. So now I’m left to take care of my sister. I’m poor, no papers, no home, I need help. My sister is a citizen, but that I can’t prove.” I nodded my head. I’ve nodded my head. I’ve had some cases like this but never this young and depressing.

“So what do you need?”

“At least a job.”

“I can do better! Don’t you want papers, rights?” Julieta blushed, “I thought everything would be too expensive.”

“Who would make you pay?”

“12 other lawyers.”

“You won’t get that here.” I heard the back door slam.

“Kathleen, you here?” It was my partner Esperanza coming in. 
“Office!” I yelled

“You really need to get on that per- Who’s this?”

She stood by my door staring at Julieta.

“My newest clients.”

“Ooh, Hi I’m Esperanza.”

“I’m Julieta.” Esperanza looked at me,

“What’s the case?” It was my turn to blush, just as I was about to answer,
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” saved by the bell, or should I say baby? Julieta excused herself from the room. So I caught E up.

“Free huh? We could do that” she replied “I’ll take care of Mark’s case for you.”

“It’s more that that, they don’t have a place to stay, food to eat.”

“I would take them in but I can’t, not with my baby, and Grace would THROW A FIT!” 
“I think I could.”

“Would Seth be fine with it?”

“I’ll find out later.” Julieta came back in.

“How would you feel with spending the night at my home?”

“Ohm, You wouldn’t be intruding,” 
“Yes.” It was settled. I called my husband to let him know, he WAS fine with it. So he came and took them to our house and I worked.

“It’s official, I just got the call!” Julieta smiled. “Okay “MOM!” I was officially the mom of two. The front door banged as Seth walks in. 

“It’s official!” I tell him “Their ours!” Amazing!” he says “MMMMMMMMAAAAAWWWWW!

“There’s the siren!” my husband said as he go gets our baby.

“MOM! I got it, its right here!!!!” I ran into the room.


“My green card mom!” My not so little jewel was jumping up and down, tears streaming down her face. Tears start running down mine too. 
“Mommy why tears?” Maria says entering the room,
“Oh sweetheart” I say, “I’m excited.” Understandingly she runs over to give Julieta a hug.

Wow, I think who knew this is what would happen from a passion that started when I was 11. Who knew that almost having to quit a job you love, or worse lose it could become a dream, a dream that has turned into my reality.

1 comment:

Troy Corley said...

WOW! You go girl!