Monday, March 12, 2012

Luis in Washington

Several months ago you may remember us talking about one of the Compton United players named Luis. Last summer he accepted Christ into his life at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes soccer camp. This had been a process of building into and loving Luis for over 3 years.

Then all of a sudden is family moves from California to Washington State.

I was frustrated, especially with the timing God choose. Luis was really starting to blossom in his role as a team leader. He had been mentored by the pro Chivas USA players for several years and we were seeing real change.

As his parents were struggling more and more financially they discovered better job opportunities up north. The whole family was gone.

I had communicated with Luis a lot as they moves up there and got settled. It was a big adjustment for him. There were a few bumps but Luis started to flourish. He became a multi-sport players at his high school and made a lot of friends. He started to develop a relationship with a Christian girl that took him to her church. He seemed to fit in there very well.

He recently came to visit Compton for a weekend. I knew he was doing good up there but I was amazed how much he had grown in just 6 months of being there. He had a peace about him. He knew his goals and the necessary steps to get there. His walk with God is strong.

Would he have grown like this if he stayed? I don't know. I do know that is family for the most part is happy there, becoming more financially secure and God is still God no matter what happens.

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