Thursday, February 07, 2013

South Africa!

2012 AIA Pro Soccer Tour 

I, Mike, have a confession. When I was asked to chaplain one of our professional MLS soccer teams, I had ulterior motives. I was not that interested in working with pro athletes as individuals -- I really just wanted to get them mentoring kids in Compton. As the team chaplain I could push hard for this to happen.

Now though, I realize the full blessing of getting to know and grow together with some amazing players. When Justin and Michael gave 3 years to come and mentor Compton kids, I had a front row seat watching God do incredible things in their own lives. Even after they were both traded to other teams, we have been able to still build into each other.
In October, I challenged these guys and a newer player, James, to participate in Athletes in Action’s first ever missions trip for pro athletes. Michael and James accepted! Together with our whole family, another 4 pro players, a trainer, a girlfriend, and handful of AIA staff, we headed to South Africa in the middle of December.

During the first half of the trip, the players stayed in homes of several pro African players, followed them in their team schedules, and led Bible studies with their teammates. Having US players present drew more South African players to the meetings. We were able to have significant ministry impact with four pro teams -- great relationships were strengthened or launched! At the Bible study Zach and I attended (with the BidVest Wits from Johannesburg), a record was set for attendance!
The second half of the trip was spent in some of the poverty-stricken townships. We visited two churches, two orphanages and an AIDS hospice, with kids ranging from infancy to 19 years old. We were blown away by the vitality and life of these kids that were all taken in from the streets! After we served at these facilities (cleaning, cooking, playing with the children, etc.), the players would have a game with kids from the facility or the local neighborhood. Afterwards, players shared their stories to all those who had gathered, testifying of how God had worked in their lives and encouraging the kids to trust in Him.

In the times that Michael shared, I could see from his expressions that God was working in him even then. He shared about playing on dirt fields at age 5 in his home country of Sierra Leone, and how God provided the only immigration lottery pass available for him to move to the US to be with his mom. He shared about God providing soccer opportunities that kept him from getting into trouble, about how much his mom sacrificed to keep him on quality teams, and how God touched him at a low point his freshman year in college. It seemed as if playing on the African dirt brought him back full circle and opened his eyes to see how God had constantly worked in his life, though he often had missed it at the time. This unique glimpse of God’s sovereignty and provision effected Michael in a profound and permanent way. This is a moment I had prayed to see from the first time I challenged him to come, a most special of many great moments on the trip.

Michael sharing his story at the first orphanage.
We are so thankful for how God worked in Michael, as well as all the players. Three of them were so impacted by their time as “pro missionaries” that they asked to be baptized in the hostel pool on the last day of the trip! They wanted to make a public declaration of their commitment to put Christ above everything else in their lives. What a privilege to share this moment with them -- and for our children to do the same. An ongoing partnership in is the works with AIA in South Africa, where the we would continue to send pro players there on an annual basis. What a privilege to be a part of pioneering such a ministry!

Many of you received a letter from Sydney and Zach, as they had to raise their own funds (a great experience!) to attend this trip. We are SO GRATEFUL for the generosity of so many of you that blessed them abundantly and let them see firsthand that God is able to provide for all of our needs! We asked them to each write a paragraph sharing their own perspective on the trip:

South Africa was an experience I will never forget. I got to see God’s work firsthand in everyday life, yet a life that isn’t mine. I saw God work in ways I don’t see in the states. I saw wild animals up close and experienced majestic beauty in ways watching TV will never accomplish. I got to feel a lion’s growl deep inside my veins, see his teeth, and all his might. I experienced hospitality that my US-acculturated self literally couldn’t believe. The beauty of the people and the culture whacked me in the face and I was astonished. Not only were we blessed by the people who welcomed us there, but also with the people we got to go with. God blessed us with a trip of a lifetime, one that came at a young age. Therefore, I’m spoiled. Great, first missions trip, and I’m spoiled! God’s good right?! All I can hope now is that I will be able to go back!

My favorite part of South Africa was the townships and the animal park. I liked them because they were fun and interesting. I had so much fun in South Africa. In the animal park, I got to pet baby lions and tigers and saw a baby rhino. The township was fun because we connected with so many kids. I learned that life is different everywhere, but God is ever present.

Pray for us that this experience with extreme poverty, soccer outreach and cross- cultural ministry would continue to impact us and help us be exactly what God wants us to be here in Compton. Also pray for Michael that God would continue to use this experience to strengthen his walk and prepare his heart for all that God has for him.

Mike & Tonya, Sydney and Zach

More favorite pictures!

Video of our first game 

Video of Dasan having fun with the kids!