Tuesday, November 18, 2003

MTA Strike Finally Over!

Thank God! The strike which has crippled so much of our immediate and surrounding neighborhoods is finally over. The buses began rolling again tonight.

This is a real answer to prayer to so many of the families we work with who have been literally disabled in their daily routines.

A young guy from our teammembers (Bob and Susan) church got back into school (with their prodding and assistance) just before the strike, and he hadn't been back since.

Toya, a single mother who lives across the street from can now get to a new job which is about 3 miles away. She has no other way to get there an a regular basis.

The average annual salary for MTA mechanics is $50,000. They have access to several health plans through a union-administered trust fund. Single workers pay nothing for health care. Spouses pay $3 a month. Family coverage is $6 a month.

You can make your own conclusions.

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